Won’t He Do it???

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  Exodus 14:14 (NIV)


flowers 4After a challenging year last year, I went into this one hopeful.  I was hopeful that the very situation that brought me to my knees concerning my niece last year would change for the better this year.

As always, I sought the Lord in prayer and I asked Him to change this situation around for my family’s good and as I continued to seek Him and grow deeper in my Word, I heard Him say that everything will be all right and most days, I am ok with that.

But even with that quiet assurance from God, it doesn’t always look like it when all hell is breaking loose.

Let’s face it, I am human and so I do start to wonder just why is God, my Loving Father, allowing so much hurt and profound pain?

My soul is screaming out why, God, why?

The very essence of my soul hurts.  It is broken on so many levels that I often can’t even begin to fathom them all.

Why God, why?

I’ve prayed. I’ve sought. I’ve bulked up on the Word.  I’ve sowed seeds.  When fear rises, I’m combatting it with scriptures.  I’m fighting this very real situation every way I know how, yet it continues and I am an emotional mess.

Yesterday, as I was seeking the Lord’s face concerning this situation again my soul starting to say quietly at first…won’t He do it? 

I stopped dead for a moment unsure that I had heard what I heard.  But that refrain continued to rise up in me until I started uttering it myself.

Nina, won’t He do it????

Wow…it was like a battle cry for my soul and just like that I remember the many, many trials and tribulations that God brought me through as He moved me towards points of victory.

And then to just really reiterate the point to me, because God really wanted me to get that in message into my spirit He brought Exodus 14:14 both to my mind and to my sight. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Yes, God, I hear You and I remember.

I remember the many Red Seas You’ve parted for me.  I remember the mountains You’ve brought me over.  I remember the many times I cried over a situation and even now when I look back I can rejoice because I remember how You’ve brought me through it.

Won’t He do it???

Of course, He will because His Word says He will.

I don’t have to fight.  I don’t have to wish.  I don’t have to worry.  All I have to do is trust that God will and brothers and sisters, He will.


Oh, Praise You God. I just can’t praise You enough for all of the many, many battles that You brought me through and for the many others that You continue to fight on my behalf.  I thank You that victory is nigh because You don’t lose.  So, I don’t need to worry and I don’t have to fret.  All I need to do is stand still and hold onto to my faith and You will take care of the rest. Amen.

By Nina Fortson

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