The Unnamed Woman

She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Mark 5:26-29, 34 (NIV)


flowers 7Inching her way through the crowds, she knew within every fiber of her being that if she could just reach out and touch the hem of Jesus’ garment she would be healed.

She had mustered up her mustard seed of faith and now was her time to put that faith into action.

Anticipation was bubbling inside of her as she continued her walk towards her Healer.

This was it.  This was her moment of truth. She had come too far to turn back now.

As she worked her way through the crowds she remembered all of her years of suffering.  After seeing doctor after doctor and spending all that she had, she was worse off and the years of sickness had taken a toll on her emotionally and physically.

It was at a great personal cost that she found herself in the crowds working her way towards Jesus.  Because of her condition, she was labeled unclean and if anyone touched her they would also be considered unclean.  However, even with knowing all of that, she still would not allow fear to permeate her soul.  She was determined to be where Jesus was so that she could get what only He could provide.

As she made her way through the crowds, she remembered all that she had heard about Jesus. The stories of the many great miracles He had performed near and wide were forefront in her mind.  This Savior, who was healing the sick, restoring sight and sound to the blind and deaf, and raising people from the dead, could also do this for her she reasoned.

Her moment finally came and she reached out. She touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and instantly she felt His power operating in her body and she was made whole.

I always loved this story in the Bible because I believe that it beautifully illustrates faith in action, which is to say that it shows how when we actively take God at His word and reach out to Him believing that He can provide, He shows us He will.

All God wants is for us to take just one small faith-filled step towards Him and then He will do the rest.  God is faithful to meet all of our needs.  He will provide the health.  He will provide the peace. He will provide whatever it is that we are in need of according to His divine will for our lives.

As I take a moment today and reflect on this unnamed, brave woman in the Bible who reached out in faith to Jesus believing that He could and was ultimately made whole, it is my prayer that I use her life as an example and do the same.

God has so many promises that He wants to release in my life.  I just have to have muster up my mustard seed of faith to reach out and claim them.

I hope you will too!

Father, thank You for the lesson of this brave woman who reached out in faith and was instantly healed.  May I reach out to You without wavering in faith in all things big and small in my life and watch You move.  I thank You in advance for doing what only You can do.  In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

-Nina Fortson




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