“With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who were made in God’s likeness! Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not to be so.” James 3:9-10 (AMP)
Last month, I had the pleasure of attending a leadership training at church. The theme of the event was speaking life, which I heartedly admit is an area that I need help in. It is easy, I think, for us as Christians to think that every word that we speak is edifying, but if we are truly honest with ourselves we will see that it is not always the case.
Thank God for His grace that despite our falling short in this area He still loves us and is speaking life into our lives. (Selah)
In Proverbs 18:21, it speaks about the immense power that is contained in the words that we speak to one another or even into our life situations. They can either bring life (build up) or cause death (tear down).
I know for myself that I am a speak now think later type of person. I blurt out words and hope that the person on the receiving end is able to understand my meaning. Many of times, I have replayed a conversation in my mind and just thought I really could have rephrased this or that a different way and in hindsight I wished I had because let me tell you I have hurt a many of feelings with the words I have spoken in haste.
I also realized that my speak now think later philosophy also transcended to my life situations. If something was troubling or sad I’d find that instead of first speaking life by claiming the promises of God contained in His Word I was quick to speak defeat.
How many times have I cursed my problems instead of blessing them with the Word of God? Instead of seeing my All-Powerful God I’d see doom and gloom; and instead of operating in the peace that I am promised as a child of God I have whipped up a double-batch of anxiety and stress.
Thankfully, I can admit that I have gotten better with this (speaking life/ claiming God’s promises) as I continue to mature in the Lord, but it wasn’t easy and it sure wasn’t quick.
That is why I love reading the 3rd chapter of James, which speaks about the power that our tongue (i.e. the words we speak) have in our lives, because it serves as a reminder of the importance to guard our speech in all aspects of our lives. In verse 6, he writes that the tongue is so powerful that it can set our whole lives into a blazing flame of destruction and disaster (James 3:6 TLB).
Every time I read that and the vividness of what damage my speech can cause in my life it makes me just that more aware that I really do need to take a moment before speaking to make sure that what I speak whether to a person or to my situation is life-building.
I admit I’m not always successful in this, but I’m attempting to be more cognizant of my words because I want to be a person who speaks life in all things and to all people always.
Precious Father, thank You for always speaking life into my life and I pray that I follow Your example by being a person who does the same to others and in my circumstances. I thank You for the peace that comes by following Your example in this area. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen
-Nina Fortson